You will, all be pleased to hear that Nick, will be back at the end of this month to do new photos! Yes the train tickets have been booked, so he will be here!! So get posting them ideas!!
Check out all his other photos @
Happy days; … Nick sure does fill out those suits very nicely mmmm yum.
Wauw, would love to “on set” during these photo shoots
Go for a wetsuited walk or a short hike, both in smoothskin triathlon wetsuits – Zone and 2XU and make some new videos and photos. It would be also nice to update VIP section.
Adidas Skinsuit!
He has to show off the 2XU suit and the new kit you’ve just ordered.
exciting! would love to see some new vip updates – maybe both gordon and nick using sleepsack, chastity, tired to tree shoot again 🙂
may behind the scenes video of the shoots 🙂