Having great fun putting on my RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit over the top of my Adidas full body suit! Also with the RST Razor Sport Boots and HJC ZF-10 Karlie helmet.
Need to get my leathers back out!
I know that this is mainly a Lycra and wetsuit website! But many of you, keep asking me to do new photos wearing my leathers! Don’t worry new photos and vlog coming, very soon indeed!
Here are some past vlogs of myself in leathers, to get you in the mood!! 🙂
Hello everyone!! Welcome to 2018!!!
Hey all! I know that 2018, started at whole 19 days ago!! This year is flying by already! Right on the reason that I am posting… I’ve made up my mind, that this year, I am going to spend a lot more time working on this website and trying to make it, the once great website that it was!!!
I’ve already made a great start! The Wetsuitlads exclusive has welcomed a new model also a current model come back to do more photos! We even got some new double photos!!
On the main website, the part that you are looking at now, I’ve been busy removing links that no longer work, cleaning it up so it looks a bit better!
Oh and Nick is due back at least 2 to 3 times this year!!!
NOW!!!!! I need your help!!! Please tell all your gear mates about this website!! Who knows, some may not heard of us yet!! Also please do try to comment on posts, photos etc! It helps me feel loved!! 🙂
Need to do more zip wire videos!
I really do need to do more zip wire videos! Use to have great fun doing them!!
Check us out on Instagram!
Just to remind you, that we’re also on Instagram. Check us out at instagram.com/wetsuitlads
We currently only have 663 followers! Let’s see, if we can get that to over 1,000!
Join our 2,475 subscribers on YouTube
Love our work? Then SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel.
Think the photos of us wearing my leathers, Lycra and wetsuits look good? Then think about all the HD videos!! ?
Check us out at www.youtube.com/wetsuitlads