Bet you get at least a wee bit turned on watching this…
Nick’s first ever cycle in Lycra!
Well that’s Nick done something he’s ever done before and that is going out a cycle wearing Lycra!! He loved every min of it! We will have to do it again at some point! 😀
The full set of these photos can be found @
Video: Summer Fun
Can’t remember if, I’ve posted this video before… but would could be better than, lots of hot lads having great fun in wetsuits??
Vermarc Etixx Quick-Step Bib Shorts
That’s me now got the Vermarc Etixx Quick-Step Bib Shorts, to go with the Vermarc Etixx Quick-Step Short Sleeve Jersey. So I of course, had to go out a long cycle to try them out! Got to say, they fit very well indeed! Which you, can of course tell from the photos!
Now I just need to find someone to go out cycling with me! While geared up of course!!! Did someone say, that Nick is back soon?!?!?
The full set of these photos can be found @Â
Vlog: Haters, will always hate!
Yes I am back! Just not been doing any new vlogs for a while. After some not very nice comments!
Loving my newest Lycra cycling gear!
Got to say, I am loving my Vermarc Etixx Quick-Step Short Sleeve Jersey. Of course, it will be even better, when I order the shorts that go with them! But for now the Zone3 Aquaflo Tri Shorts will do!
The full set of these photos can be found @