Middle of January 2014 most popular photos

Below are the top three most looked at photos on Wetsuitlads so far during January 2014.

Number 1 (228 views) : Nick : blueseventy axium
Nick : blueseventy axium

Number 2 (139 views) : Robert & Gordon | Smooth skin wetsuits
Robert & Gordon | Smooth skin wetsuits

Number 3 (130 views) : Robert & Gordon | Smooth skin wetsuits
Robert & Gordon | Smooth skin wetsuits

Gear : Stainless Steel Bondage Fist Mitts

Opps! Just gone and ordered these! Been after something like them for a while! Getting them from eBay of course! They cost £59, which I don’ think is that bad at all!

Stainless Steel Male Steel Bondage Fist Mitt

Now just think of me locked in them, also wearing the new chastity belt :).

Most popular photos : December 2013

Below are the top three most looked at photos on Wetsuitlads during December 2013.

Number 1 (431 views) : Nick : blueseventy axium
Nick : blueseventy axium

Number 2 (305 views) : Robert & Gordon | Smooth skin wetsuits
Robert & Gordon | Smooth skin wetsuits

Number 3 (204 views) : Robert & Gordon | Smooth skin wetsuits
Robert & Gordon | Smooth skin wetsuits