I am having a break from this website

I have made up my mind, I am going to be taking a break from this website for a while. Since no is commenting on any posts. I am going to spend more time doing other things. Catch you all in the month or so…

9 Replies to “I am having a break from this website”

  1. Taking a break is always a good thing, to re-group, refresh and take care of yourself. Sadly I like most are guilty of not tking the time to comment on your excellent work and dedication to your site. \i do enjoy your posts, input and wonderful pictures and upates on your cycling. Sorry again for not investing the time I shold to let you know how I feel.

    You rock it my friend !!!!

  2. Richard: Thank you for all of your hard work ( the results make me very happy ) , sadly your followers ( i included ) don’t show you the support back. Enjoy your break, and if you ever need to send out a vent ( comment – complaint ) feel free to email me. Your work does not go un-noticed, we just forget that you need to have positive strokes back to you. I enjoy your posts, your excitment in your voice on your video posts and your hot self pics most.

    A follower from Canada


  3. I know that I really enjoy your web site, but do not comment very often, I am part of the problem. I think you have been doing a terrific job, but totally agree that a vacation is needed. Summer time is here so enjoy it. Go play.
    Next year I hope to do the “End to End ” so I am forever grateful for all the info that you have posted and linked.
    Take care, enjoy and have fun

  4. Enjoy your well EARNED rest for ALL the great work you do & more IMPORTANT your spare time you give up todo it for us all 🙂 Thank you Gordon !

  5. G, you’ve worked so hard to make this site, and many other sites you do, what it is. A brilliant place to be and share stories and the like with similar-minded guys. You do so much work with all the sites for, basically, little reward. I am sure I am not alone, this should change. You do deserve a wee reward; a break is just as good as anything else!

    I’ve become ever more busy with other things in life, not just the cycling aspect, but making new friends and, generally have been trying to cut down on the amount of hours I spend in front of the computer.

    I can’t express how much I have appreciated your efforts over the years. I hope to see it continue for ever more, after your break, which you so richly deserve. A break to refresh and revitalise is good for anyone!

    Hope to see you back here soon!

    Take care matey and as always, best wishes! 😉 x

  6. Hey, enjoy your break and have a summer of fun.
    I’m one of the older members here and only wish there’d been this opportunity to share when I was in your generation.
    See you back in a while, meantime do just ENJOY YOURSELF xx

  7. Thanks for your work, I know you feel under appreciated, but you are not. See you when you get back

  8. Thankyou for you hard work keeping this site going, it is excellent, pretty unique and a credit to you, I have not found any others like it. I so much look foward to the updates, storys and blogs.
    So please do enjoy your break but make sure you come back and see us all soon.


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