Before anyone tells me off, I know this photo got nothing at all to do with wetsuits. But he’s hot and I have big thing for lads locked in chastity belts.
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Before anyone tells me off, I know this photo got nothing at all to do with wetsuits. But he’s hot and I have big thing for lads locked in chastity belts.
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That’s the neoprene sleepsack here. Can’t believe just how fast it turned up. I will be for sure using Regulation London again. Sorry to say you all going to have to wait a while for the first photos of myself in it. All going to well, I will have a good friend coming over on the 4h February to get photos for me :). So in other words two weeks tomorrow. So it will give you all some time to vote in the poll.
Now the Neoprene Sleep Sack has been ordered. It’s time I posted a new poll. In this poll I am asking “What should I wear with the Neoprene Sleep Sack?” Vote below or by using the right hand-side menu.
That’s the stories section just been revamped. The main thing you will notice is all the stories have been removed from the drop-down menu at the top of each page. Mainly because the main was getting to big. No need to worry none of them have been removed and you can still read them, by clicking on “Stories” on the menu.
You should all be pleased to hear I have just gone and ordered a neoprene sleepsack. I am getting it from Regulation London for £225 + £6 P&P. Bit more that I would have liked to pay for one. Still I am sure it will make for some great photos and videos. Over time will more than pay for it’s self.
Can’t wait for it to turn up and of course to be zipped up inside :).
“Would you still surf if you might end up in handcuffs?” I just read that news article title on facebook via I can’t think of anything better, wearing a wetsuit and being handcuffed 🙂
Read the full news article at