I am sure most of you will know who Brent Corrigan is, or at least heard of him. If you don’t best just to google him. Just make sure your Mum and Dad are not around when you do!
Video : Santa Claus is coming to town
New poll : Should I get a Neoprene Sleep Sack?
Just posted a new poll in which I ask “Should I get a Neoprene Sleep Sack?” Vote below or by using the right hand-side menu.

Neoprene Sleep Sack
OMG so, so need to get one of these. It’s only like £184.95. Think of all the hot photos I could get while all helpless inside it.
Want to buy yourself one or even better me?? Then check out www.devus.co.uk/zenstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=179&products_id=1693.