First time ever wearing my HJC ZF-10 Karlie helmet outdoors in a public place. Think you can tell I was having fun! The full set of these photos will get posted to the exclusive area, this coming weekend.
First time ever wearing my HJC ZF-10 Karlie helmet outdoors in a public place. Think you can tell I was having fun! The full set of these photos will get posted to the exclusive area, this coming weekend.
What a tease! Making us wait all week, hmph…
But damn that’s a great angle, you get all the right proportions and look that pose, you look like some futuristic skinny sumo wrestler about to take on your next opponent in a game of man grappling. Now why didn’t it rain this day?
Maybe I should be a even better tease and make you wait two weeks :).
Nah, you couldn’t, you want to upload them as much as we want you to upload them.
Now you’re just showing off!!!! But, a very nice picture!
I could not wait till the weekend, so they are on-line now.