Can you guess what I am wearing?
This post was taken on location, using my HTC Wildfire S mobile phone. Then edited using my desktop PC. The full set will be posted to the VIP area this coming weekend.
Have any ideas for other photos that I can take myself, please let me know!
Hmm, you seem to have a new found interest in that skinsuit again! 😀
I had just about forgotten I even had it. Up till now it’s been one of the least used items of gear that I have. But I have changed that and glad I have. Since everyone is loving the new photos.
Is Spiderman Hiding under that Helmet !! 😉
Great contrast, and cool view, I hope you’re able to keep up on this roll!
Its great to see some of the lesser used suits out again! But, don’t let it stop you from showing you more popular choices!